I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.
For my results on my Monday I got 59/60 for my groupings with 10's, groupings with 10's and 20's, doubles/halves to 20, 10's and 100's, addition to 10, and subtraction to 10 because I doing it the right way I do my basic facts and that is how i got 59/60.
Today I got 59/60 for or my groupings with 10's, groupings with 10's and 20's, doubles/halves to 20, 10's and 100's, addition to 10, and subtraction to 10 because getting my basic facts done so I can get 60/60 unless I try and that is how I got 59/60.